Last date for payment | Kids Planet | I to VIII | IX & X | XI | XII |
Admission Fee for New Students at the time of admission | 5000/- | 5500/- | 8500/- | 12,000/- | 11,500/- |
10th April 2021 | 7800/- | 11,000/- | 13,000/- | - | 21,000/- |
10th July, 2021 | 7800/- | 11,000/- | 13,000/- | 24,000/- | 21,000/- |
10th October, 2021 | 7800/- | 11,000/- | 13,000/- | 24,000/- | 21,000/- |
10th January, 2022 | 7800/- | 11,000/- | 13,000/- | 24,000/- | 21,000/- |
Note: Bus charges for 12 months according to distance.
Fees once deposited will not be refunded