- Admission Open for Academic Year 2021-2022
For registration contact school office between 8am & 12 noon.
- Admission is granted to boys and girls. R.T.E directives are being followed. 25% seats in Nurseyy Class are reserved for Disadvantage Group and weaker section.
- No discrimination is made on caste, creed & social strata.
- School Prospectus with Registration form can be obtained from school office on payment of non-refundable registration fees.
- Birth certificate of the local governing body has to be produced in case of Pre - Primary students.
- Students of Class I and above must produce Transfer Certificate (duly counter signed by DEO) from the school last attended at the time of admission.
- The particulars of the child as recorded in T.C should tally with the same entered in admission form. No request for the change in name, date of birth etc. will be entertained.
- It is incumbent to ensure the correctness of all entries.
- Parents/guardians are governed by the general rules of the school in relation to academic and disciplinary matters and fees structure.
- Fees along with required certificates, photograph must be deposited within 3 days of admission declaration, failing which, admission will be cancelled and the seat will be allotted to other student.
- The school reserves the right to accept/reject application for admission /re-admission of a child without citing any reason.